Welcome to the [ProxyScrape Web Scraping API](https://proxyscrape.com/products/web-scraping-api/) documentation. At the moment this is only a free service and not meant for commercial or production use. Incase you are interested to use this API in a production environment, please get in touch with us. ## Getting started Here is a list to get started: - [[Authenticating with the API]] - [[httpResponseBody|Making your first request (httpReponseBody)]] - [[browserHtml|Browser rendering (browserHtml)]] - [[Introduction to actions|Actions]] - [[Geolocation request|Targeting a specific country]] - [[requestCookies|Setting cookies]] and [[responseCookies|getting cookies back]] - [[httpRequestMethod|Changing the HTTP request method]] - [[Screenshot|Taking a screenshot]] - [[Webhooks|Receive a webhook result]]